Knowle Ramblers Walks
Additional guidance following Government guidelines. May be re-imposed if Covid problems return.
Indicate you wish to go on a walk by clicking on the PollsEZ Link which will be sent to Members a few days before the walk – type in only your first name and vote Yes and you will be on the list
If you have any Covid -19 symptoms you must not attend the walk
Minimise car sharing – if possible “you should try not to share a vehicle with those outside your household or support bubble” (Government guidelines)
Bring with you hand sanitiser and or gloves, a face mask or face covering (not normally needed on walking), bring your own drink/food as needed and basic first aid kit
Observe social distancing where possible
If you develop any Covid – 19 symptoms after the walk, apply for a Covid – 19 Test and support NHS contact tracing – Inform Knowle Ramblers
Click on the PollsEZ link so you know who will be on your walk – we need to keep a record of everyone on your walk for 21 days. Please let Robert know if anyone walks who was not on the PollsEZ list or anyone on the list who did not turn up.
Make sure there are enough car parking spaces at the start of the walk
Give clear information that will be sent out to Members by Robert – your phone number/email, details of the walk, the day and date, length of walk, start time, instructions to get to meeting point and parking arrangements
At the briefing before the walk mention the importance of social distancing
Be prepared to wear a face mask in the unlikely event of an incident that requires close contact